Celtic Tree Magic, by Danu Forest

Trees hold great power. They are our green kin, with much to teach us, if we will but listen. Explore the powerful magic of the twenty-five trees in the ogham tradition. Enrich your spiritual practice with authentic Celtic wisdom and practical techniques. Written by a Druid witch and Celtic shaman, Celtic Tree Magic shows you how to practice Celtic divination, charms, and spells; make salves, tinctures, ointments, and green crafts; work with each tree’s magical correspondences and healing attributes; find tree-spirit allies in nature and the otherworld; grow and tend trees with spirit guardians; and fashion wands and other magical tools with relevant woods. With practical exercises, hands-on tips, and an accessible exploration of folklore and myth, this lovely and lyrical handbook provides practical skills and deeper understandings for beginners and intermediate practitioners.

Danu Forest is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, the Druid Clan of Dana, the Fellowship of Isis, the Druid Network, and the UK Pagan Federation. She has published articles in Kindred Spirit, Soul and Spirit, Sacred Hoop, Pentacle, and Pagan Dawn. She is the author of Nature Spirits and The Druid Shaman.