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Goddess Temple of Bala

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Teml Ceridwen Y Bala

Goddess Temple of Bala

The Elements of Spellcrafting: 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery, by Jason Miller

The Elements of Spellcrafting identifies and explains 21 keys to successful sorcery–a best practices of sorcery–in three sections:
Principals and strategies for how best to apply magic before you begin.
Methods and tactics that will ensure a positive outcome.
How to take spells to the next level–building a life of spiritual accomplishment and material success beyond the basics.

If you have ever cast a spell that didn’t work, The Elements of Spellcrafting will help you figure out why.

If you regularly cast spells that seem to work but you still wind up in the same circumstances, this book will definitely help you chart a new course for victorious spellcrafting.