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Teml Ceridwen Y Bala

Goddess Temple of Bala

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Teml Ceridwen Y Bala

Goddess Temple of Bala

The Girl God, by Trista Hendren

A book for children young & old, celebrating the Divine Female. Magically illustrated by Elisabeth Slettnes with quotes from various faith traditions & feminist thinkers.

“Read this book to your daughters and your granddaughters, and perhaps they will never doubt the validity of their inner voice. Read it to yourself to remind you of your own. Read it and weep. Read it and heal. Read it and smile with the relief that someone finally had the courage to tell our girls that God is not just for their brothers and their fathers. Walk away knowing that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is equally the God of Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel. But most importantly, walk away knowing there is a Girl God inside you too.” – Monette Chilson, author of Sophia Rising