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Teml Ceridwen Y Bala

Goddess Temple of Bala

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Teml Ceridwen Y Bala

Goddess Temple of Bala

Wild Magic, by Danu Forest

This book is a storehouse of magical and spiritual lore as well as practical knowledge based on age-old Celtic traditions. Filled with hands-on exercises and deep meditations, Wild Magic will show you how to access the Otherworld and come into a profound connection with the divine in nature. Author Danu Forest explores the timeless animistic practices of the Celtic faerie faith, creating relationships with the faerie folk, green kin, the ancestors, and the spirits of the land. You will learn to call on your spirit cousins for protection, and practice magical techniques based on the elements, such as fire scrying and spells to raise the wind.

Discover the secrets of ley lines, dragon lines, faery roads, and spirit paths that will transform your life in the here and now. Work with Danu’s tips for wildcrafting and her unique recipes for making magical oils, salves, bundles, and ointments with common herbs. Drawn from authentic country wisdom and the folk traditions of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, the spells and rituals within are designed to channel your own modern wildness for the benefit of all.

Danu Forest has been a practicing druid witch and Celtic shaman for over twenty years, and has been teaching Celtic shamanism and witchcraft for over a decade. She has published articles in Kindred Spirit, Soul and Spirit, Sacred Hoop, Pentacle and Pagan Dawn.